Wednesday 16 February 2011

Music- Contents Pages.

I have noticed that looking on various Q pages and covers they use the same layout on each page to keep the similarity. The letter Q is used on every page which could be classed as their "stamp". Their use of the colour red, white and black shows stands out agaisnt the white background that they use each time. They use the a different technique when showing a special thats in the magazine by using a different colour and putting a box around it. They tend to put the titles in captial letters making it easier on the readers eye to notice. The main picture is to the right of the page, the 4 boys standing on a high hill makes the contents page/magazine seem abit more interesting and important as they are standing in the same stance, but they seem quite relaxed and have a look of serendipity about them, as they don't look extremely famous or important but they have obviously had some good luck getting into famous magazine and making up half of the contents page.
The review part at the bottom of the page is stated obviously by using a red block colour with the letter Q inside of it. The word review is written in white agaisnt a jet black backgroud. I think this contents page has been well put together although it seems to be abit scattered, with lot's of writing. 
This contents page is quite simple in the fact that it uses just a plain white background. The contents page lists quite alot of pages but it states by using numbers the most obvious ones to read. By using a collage of the people it's featuring to the side of it and using numbers placed over them aswell as labelled in the contents list, makes them look more important and when an audience see's pictures it's so much more interesting then just alot of writing. They have been very clever about the way they have represented Madonna by using a picture of her looking fiesty and edgey, then using the line "DOES SHE STILL DO IT LIKE A VIRGIN" contrasts her as two interesting characters. The line stating that she was a clean angelic figure, then by using that picture of her showing how she has changed and will the article being written about her be as interesting as the line being used to describe her.
There is a colour scheme of white, grey, black and red being used. This works as they stand out agaisnt the white background and using darker photographs of the people on the right of the page. It is easy to distinguish to pages being labelled and using a little sentence under most of the them to open up the article, This gives the reader a little glimpse of what they are about to read. 

The contents page is layed out very well, the use of colours and clothing on Ciara work well with the whole page. Everything is grey, white and black. The contents page shows the headings for the articles and pages written very clearly. It is easy to establish which are labelled titles and the ones that are not. By using the picture of Ciara is shows that the main article will be mainly based on this famous figure. It shows the magazine to look glamourous and possibly aimed more at females as she looks wealthy and her pose looks very interesting, this would make the audience want to see the rest of her photo's and read the article written about her.
The use of using different fonts shows that everything has been thought about quite obviously and clearly as to who the magazine would appear to. It is also easy on the eye to gather that it is a contents page. By placing the letters of contents underneath eachother and using the picture of Ciara lying down with her legs up and the page numbers and headings underneath eachother possibly suggests that everything inside the magazine goes down, for example putting the less interesting things or not as noticed things further towards the back of the magazine. I think that this is a very well layed out contents page, it doesn't confuse me and it is clear what i am looking at. The surface area of the page has been used to it's best and too many things aren't being just thrown on the page without any thought and lot's of confusion.

1 comment:

  1. Callie - this is excellent! Really good analysis...Very detailed comments. I especially like the work you've done on interpreting the images.
