Friday 21 January 2011

Preliminary Task - Test Photos.

I took this photo as a tester, my story for the magazine is wacky hairstyles among girls in colleges. This was a bad photo as it doesn't really show the key concept of my cover.

Test picture 2 - I took this picture at random to show the variations of "wacky hairstyles concept".

This was a good test picture because it is for a school magazine and it shows the child like side. However I may not include this in the final piece as the face isn't very clear, and i don't think I could do much manipulation with it.

This is the photo I am going to use as my cover photo, because i think that it shows the concept of my magazine.

I manipulated this photo and put a pink translucent cover over it, I am going to make a few more of these to show how my progession in using the fireworks programme can make my photos look better.

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